As many of our little (and bigger) ones return this September the back-to-school battle for the bathroom, begins! We know you parents (especially those to teenagers) understand what we mean! A whole household battling for their time in the family bathroom to prepare for the day. If you can relate, maybe its time to consider an additional bathroom in your home. Perhaps a luxury en-suite bathroom tucked away from chaotic family life in your master bedroom. Even a small space can be transformed into a zen like space of serenity. Here’s how you could beat the back-to-school battle for the bathroom.
Redesign Your Family Bathroom
If features of your existing bathroom are slowing you down in a morning, a simple renovation of your family bathroom may be sufficed. Many bathrooms are designed to suit the house, oppose to those who dwell within. Having a bathroom specifically designed to suit your family can save a lot of time.
Build an En-Suite Bathroom
Of course, to families with teenagers, the problem may not be resolved with a more bespoke family space. However, adding an en-suite bathroom in your home, be it in their room or yours, will alleviate the bathroom queue. Furthermore, it offers your household more privacy.
Add a Downstairs W/C
At some point in our lives, we have all been enjoying a relaxing bath, when it’s been interrupted by someone needing the toilet. Having time to yourself is precious especially in a busy house. Therefore, forgoing the downstairs closet for a new W/C means when someone needs to go, they can do so without disturbing others.
Be Inspired!
You can visit our luxury bathroom showroom based in Brentwood for inspiration and advice. Our staff have many years’ experience in the design, supply, and installation of opulent bathrooms in Essex. Alternatively, you can book your very own design appointment with our CAD specialists to see how we can resolve the bathroom battle.